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Voice Of President
Hello , I’m Sanjib Pariyar. It’s an honor for me to lead to this organization of Nepal. As a HDO,Nepal volunteer from 2009 to now, I am very happy to do the social work for spreading the kingdom of god through the social works together with all the members of HDO,Nepal. For more than 4 years HDO,Nepal has been  enhancing the easy livelihood through implementation of different activities among the Nepal’s poorest, back warded and marginalized communities of Nepal. Among our volunteer member we have leading experts in child health, agriculture, education, sociology, information and technology and missionaries. It’s a great strength in tackling food insecurity problem of Nepal. We look at the grass-root level that enables us to know the people, the problems and the potential of the communities where we can serve. Wherever we work, we look and feel like a community level target peoples and staff who live in the community and share in the hopes and frustrations of the people. Whether a rural village in any location of Nepal, we are there for helping them. We are established to serve the society at anytime, at any cost. As a result, each year we bring meaningful life transformation to the marginalized, poorest, back warded people of Nepal. As a Christian organization, HDO,Nepal seeks to bring hope to the Nepal. Today’s young generation is responsible for doing best in their work with their resource available. I am very excited by the many opportunities to make a different for people who have little voice in today’s world, especially in Nepal.
I Wel Come you to join us together , HDO, Nepal, to support and encourage Nepali people who are marginalized, are less fortunate than the others, who are being victim of social discrimination, facing daily livelihood problems and so on, to build up the society of equality, make people of having same thought and to make a healthy community in every sector. Our focus is on sanitation, education, livelihood and ecological balance in the villages and the rural areas.
That’s our HDO, Nepal

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