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Madi Chitwan


About Madi, Chitwan, Nepal
Madi is a part of Chitwan district of Nepal. Though Chitwan is counted as one of the comperatively developed district of Nepal, Madi is totally different. Surrounded by densely forested hill on the south, east and west; separated from mainland Chitwan by 2 rivers and thick forest of Chitwan National Park Madi a beautiful valley for it's around 90,000 inhabitants. On the south it borders to India's least developed state of Bihar, but is not linked by means of transport. The border area is covered with dense forest and hills. Madi does not have electricity yet and no round the year road link to mainland Chitwan, ie. the district HQ. Madi does not have a reliable health facility, has no reliable telephone, internet!
It is remote because to be in Madi we have to pass Chitwan National Park. Roadways cannot be made because it harms to the wild animals. So very few buses like 5 -6 busses each day from the Chitwan National Park. Around the Chitwan National Park we can find out Tharu Village.Tharu Culture. Tharus are socially backward people but these days they are changing themselves according to madi have good Cultivation Area so here main income is Agriculture.
                  Agriculture is main source of income and livelihood. Because of the lack of modern and professional farming methods and technology, lack of irrigation, farming hardly yields enough to carry on life. Lot of youths leave their cities and go gulf countries every year in search of employment. Even in such a situation people of Madi always look happy and hospitable.
                          The problems in Madi village that HDO, NEPAL found are on:
•The transportation
•Health facilities and Sanitation
Though this shows we should work on these all but we feel that the health and sanitation of people is the most important to create a healthy and developed society. The people of Madi are not aware about their health at all and also there are no hospitals and other health care center. So they are facing many problems. Madi is one of the tropical parts of Nepal so it is in risk of much communicable disease. Most of the children under 5 years loose their lives every year from the simple disease like diarrhea, Malaria, Malnutrition, Marasmus, Kawasaki etc. It shows there is lack of the awareness of sanitation and health. These all things made us to concern about the health and sanitation of Madi people. And we decided Madi Village to make our target to spend our time to aware the people.
                                Then we proposed some awareness programs for Madi village and we collected some money from each member of HDO. After that we started to visit Madi frequently and conducted some health awareness programs and tried to consult the people about the sanitation around their houses as well.

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